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Harnessing the Power of AI: Capitalizing on Traditional Markets for Growth


Robert Tavares

May 18, 2024 - 13:17 pm


Unveiling the Next Investment Frontier in the Age of AI: A Deep Dive into Essential Markets

In the rapidly progressing technology sector, investors are scouring for the next lucrative investment frontier poised to soar with the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution. As revealed by Bank of America, the secret may lie in the foundational sectors of the economy. Investment and ETF strategist Jared Woodard recently addressed clients, highlighting that the market might be underestimating the seismic shifts initiated by the mounting energy requirements of AI technologies.

The Underestimated Players in the AI Revolution

"Round one" victors of this fresh tech drive like data centers, hyperscalers, and semiconductor manufacturers have garnered significant investment attention and are prominently held. However, Woodard cautions that pouring further capital into these already well-recognized players should hinge on a viable blueprint for augmenting the power supply. He suggests that the prized new digital favorites could continue to thrive, but they might be trumped by the success of robust, traditional industries. The pivot to this next investment phase might as well be underway, evidenced by the recent resurgence in utility stocks.

An unexpected rally in utility stocks commenced in May, with the Utilities Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLU) witnessing an 8% rise month-to-date. Reasons for this spike include not just the sector's historically lower valuation compared to the broader market and its previous underperformance, but also the implication of spiraling energy demands. Woodard underscores the potential of other Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and stocks, which are predicted to flourish from growing energy consumption and investments in the electric grid infrastructure.

Exploring Investment Opportunities in Essential Commodities

Investors seeking a diverse exposure to commodities can consider the Direxion Auspice Broad Commodity Strategy ETF (COM). This ETF is slightly on the pricier side, with a net expense ratio of 0.70%, but opens the doors to an actively-managed portfolio encompassing an array of 12 different commodities ranging from soybeans and oil to copper. This particular fund has seen an appreciable growth of around 8% this year. Adding to the allure, Bank of America has stamped a buy rating on the mining giant Freeport-McMoRan, an entity which has already witnessed a staggering 27% appreciation year-to-date.

Bank of America's analysts project that progress is unfeasible without tangible assets, forecasting a substantial deficit in metals like copper through 2026. This projection is grounded in the expectation that miners will preserve their pricing power in light of capacity constraints, following a decade marked by underinvestment.

Tapping into the Energy Production Sector

Moving on to the companies that are pivotal to energy production, the VanEck Oil Services ETF (OIH) captures the spotlight. With Woodard's endorsement, this fund's portfolio boasts major names such as SLB and Halliburton. Another focal point is the growing importance of uranium. Bank of America voices optimism regarding the Global X Uranium ETF (URA), which provides exposure to both the physical uranium commodity and the mining companies behind it. The bank's note reveals that uranium is entering its third secular bull market, driven by a global supply shortage that is unable to match the burgeoning demand.

Further support for nuclear energy is reinforced by the possibility that a mere 10% nuclear "uprate" could introduce an additional 10GW of energy supply, all without the need for constructing new power plants. The URA ETF bears a net expense ratio of 0.69% and has enjoyed an 18% growth year-to-date. Imposing a more affordable option, the OIH stands at a 0.35% expense ratio and has ascended approximately 6% over the year. While Bank of America did not specifically highlight a utilities ETF in their note, they have showcased confidence in Xcel Energy, amongst other utility stocks.

In the immersive report shared by CNBC's Michael Bloom, we gain further insights into how these investments could map out the future of the economy, structured around the AI era. The anticipation building around these investments underscores a narrative where traditional sectors—often overlooked in favor of more technologically advanced stocks—could offer investors a robust pathway to capitalize on the digital transformation.

Harnessing the Energy Imperative for AI's Ascendance

As AI technologies continue to permeate various sectors, there is an undeniable energy imperative that underpins their growth. It is this very energy requirement that signals a need for an expansion in the power supply, which could provide a substantial tailwind for utility and energy-related investments. Given the rapid ascendancy of AI, its energy demands could reshape the investment landscape, swinging the pendulum back toward essential commodities and energy production sectors.

The strategic shift underscores an investment philosophy where infrastructure and real-world assets become as critical as, if not more than, the technological advancements they enable. This paradigm shift presents investors with a conundrum, but also an opportunity to recalibrate their portfolios to harmonize with the transformative energy dynamics of AI.

An Investment Landscape Shaped by AI's Utility

The emerging investment landscape seemingly converges at the intersection of AI's technological prowess and the need for robust utility infrastructure. Industry analysts are keenly observing the trend that has utility stocks rising in synchrony with the AI boom—a phenomenon that sheds light on the usually mundane but now increasingly pivotal utility sector.

Within this context, Woodard's analysis offers a forward-looking vantage point, highlighting the significance of holistic approaches to investment, where traditional utility and commodity-based ventures gain newfound attention amidst the digital revolution. These sectors, which bear the brunt of AI's energy consumption, stand to benefit significantly as the energy demands escalate in tandem with AI's integration across industries.

Critical Commodities in an AI-Dominated Future

As Woodard indicates, the commodities market, especially metals integral for technological innovation like copper, is likely to encounter supply constraints. These imminent deficits position mining stocks such as Freeport-McMoRan to command formidable pricing power and offer attractive returns to shareholders who anticipate the prolonged investment cycle in these real assets.

The Direxion Auspice Broad Commodity Strategy ETF's recent outperformance further substantiates Bank of America's stance on commodities' centrality in an AI-dominated future. Such funds exemplify an investment bridge between the tangible assets that form the edifice of technological advances and the intangible, cutting-edge developments themselves.

Energy Production: The Engine Room of AI Advancements

Notably, companies that undergird the generation of energy, such as those encapsulated in the VanEck Oil Services ETF, are recognized for their crucial roles. The energy production sector, hence, emerges as the linchpin in the grand scheme of the AI narrative. As strategies pivot towards extracting value from value chains rooted in energy supply, the investment prospects within this domain gain traction.

The emphasis on uranium's significance, fueled by the Global X Uranium ETF, hints at the renaissance of nuclear power in the quest for sustainable and high-capacity energy solutions to meet the AI era's demands.

Seizing the Bull Market Beneath the Digital Surface

Bank of America's prescreened investments point investors to potential bull markets that lie beneath the effervescent surface of the digital revolution. The strategically identified sectors in materials, energy, and utilities serve as the scaffolding for AI's towering presence, and thus render a compelling value proposition.

Investors keen on leveraging the AI-driven market flux can delve into comprehensive resources such as those offered by CNBC, where reporters like Michael Bloom provide nuanced analysis (Full report available here).

Conclusion: Bridging Innovation with Tradition

The investment community stands at the cusp of an era where traditional sectors are re-evaluated through the lens of the AI revolution. As strategists like Jared Woodard assert, these foundational elements of the economy could be poised for significant growth, inviting a strategic renaissance in portfolio management. Leveraging the detailed analytics by institutions such as Bank of America, along with the keen reporting by media outlets like CNBC, investors could well navigate a course that fully embraces the intertwining of booming AI initiatives with the enduring vitality of the real-world economy.

In summation, as AI's ascendant trajectory demands more from our world's limited energy resources, investors have the opportunity to broaden their horizons, investing not just in technology stocks, but in the very building blocks that power the digital age. This strategic reallocation of investments can serve not simply as prudent financial planning but as a cohesive approach to backing the very underpinnings of continued innovation.

Bank of America's illuminating insights, crystallized in Woodard's note, beckon a wise assessment of future market dynamics, whereby utilities, commodities, and energy production could very well define the next investment epoch in the continuum of AI's expansive influence.

Investors, thus, find themselves at an inflection point: to recognize and seize the underlying opportunities that bolster the AI edifice, paving the way for potentially robust returns in a landscape rapidly reshaped by the digital megatrend.

A wise investor will heed these unfolding market signals, sharpening focus on the sectors that, while perhaps not as flashy as tech darlings, are indispensable to our technologically reliant world and are ripe with investment potential in the AI-generated energy evolution.

With careful analysis and well-timed action, the investment community can empower a powerful symphony of traditional market might and technological dynamism, heralding in a new epoch of financial growth and innovation.